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From Penoboard

A prominent representative of elite insulation material is extruded expanded polystyrene from LLC Elit-Plast. The insulation has been widely used in the construction of residential and technical complexes and premises. The material is produced in Ukraine by modern technologies and is not inferior to high-quality imported analogues.

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    High demand for wholesale expanded polystyrene boards in our country began several years ago. This was due to the increase in heating tariffs and significant shortcomings in living quarters. Initially, foam was used as the main insulating material. It is inexpensive and easy to install. But today is the era of extruded styrofoam. It has many qualitative characteristics and is more durable. Today, extruded expanded polystyrene can be purchased from many manufacturers, but it is important to pay attention to quality – as alas counterfeits are very common.

    QualityStyrofoamXPS plate
    Densityno more than 35 kg / m³up to 45 kg / m³
    Moisture absorption level per day2% by volume0.2% by volume
    Operating temperature rangefrom –50 to + 70 ° Сfrom –50 to + 75 ° С
    Life timeunder 25 years oldup to 80 years old
    Vapor permeabilityХ0.018 mg / m ∙ h ∙ Pa
    Compressive Strength, MPa, N / mm²0,080.025 at 10% lin. deformations
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